Welcome to My Site:]

My Motto - Stop and smell the flowers...live each day as if it were your last...and each and every day... try to smile at a stranger.

My Writing - I remember writing my first story when I was seven years old. It was about a cat that was a pet, he died and I was heartbroken. Since then I have written many prose, poems, and lyrics throughout my life. I finally took the leap and began writing my first novel in 2009.

My Life - I have been happily married for over 25 years. My amazing husband Chris is my Knight in Shining Armor. He was the first guy who made me laugh and enjoy life. My two sons Curt and Steven gave me the driving force to work hard at being a momma and a teacher. They give me my sunshine.

My Novels - What can I say, I love to write...write...write. I have penned three complete novels since 2009 and have many other characters awaiting their debut. I am so passionate about my stories. When I share my stories with friends they seem to ask if I am writing a memoir about my life. I have to be honest and let them know my characters are all fictional..except for my memoir.

My Other Job - I have worked with children since I was twelve years old. I began my "official" teaching job in 1993. After all these years I still wake up in the morning excited about going to work. I am currently a Middle School teacher. Yes, I teach 8th graders! And yes, I love my job! I enjoy their humor, sarcasm, and moodiness. But most of all I enjoy their compassion and passion for what they believe to be true.

I hope this gives you a little picture about my life. Please feel free to visit my site and explore my stories. My hope is you leave thinking about my characters.

I look forward to hearing from you.

E. Summers

Works in Progress

Series # 1 - Suspense Romance
  • Hold On - Completed Novel
  • Release Me - Completed Novel
Series #2 - Paranormal Romance
  • Juliana the Fairy Princess - Completed Novel
  • Delia the Warrior - Work in Progress
  • The Lost Fairy - Work in Progress
Series #3 - Memoir
  • The Year My Gingerbread House Crumbled & Fell - Work in Progress