Welcome to My Site:]

My Motto - Stop and smell the flowers...live each day as if it were your last...and each and every day... try to smile at a stranger.

My Writing - I remember writing my first story when I was seven years old. It was about a cat that was a pet, he died and I was heartbroken. Since then I have written many prose, poems, and lyrics throughout my life. I finally took the leap and began writing my first novel in 2009.

My Life - I have been happily married for over 25 years. My amazing husband Chris is my Knight in Shining Armor. He was the first guy who made me laugh and enjoy life. My two sons Curt and Steven gave me the driving force to work hard at being a momma and a teacher. They give me my sunshine.

My Novels - What can I say, I love to write...write...write. I have penned three complete novels since 2009 and have many other characters awaiting their debut. I am so passionate about my stories. When I share my stories with friends they seem to ask if I am writing a memoir about my life. I have to be honest and let them know my characters are all fictional..except for my memoir.

My Other Job - I have worked with children since I was twelve years old. I began my "official" teaching job in 1993. After all these years I still wake up in the morning excited about going to work. I am currently a Middle School teacher. Yes, I teach 8th graders! And yes, I love my job! I enjoy their humor, sarcasm, and moodiness. But most of all I enjoy their compassion and passion for what they believe to be true.

I hope this gives you a little picture about my life. Please feel free to visit my site and explore my stories. My hope is you leave thinking about my characters.

I look forward to hearing from you.

E. Summers

Hold On - Series 1 - Romantic Suspense

When Alison Contreras, a graphic designer and musician believes her beloved Victor Anderson abandoned her; she succumbs to her own vulnerability into the powerful arms of Richard Norris, a wealthy hotel owner who reels her into a tailspin of horror and destruction, all the while unaware that her soul mate is steadfastly searching for her in his own hellish nightmare.

Excerpt from Chapter 1
            Alison took a deep breath as she began to slowly pull the catheter tubing completely out of her body and away from her bladder. After months of being beaten and left to heal on a hospital bed in a cold room her hands were trembling and the pain she felt was excruciating. The pain traveled throughout her body like a lightning bolt striking every inch of skin and bones.
            Alison quietly screamed with agony and fell back onto the floor. She lay on the hard floor and stared up at the ceiling and watched the lights flicker above her like fireflies in a meadow as the hours slowly passed her by.
            Awhile later, although her body ached with so many afflictions; she didn’t seem to care because she was determined she was going to complete this task. She was no longer going to be confined to the bed and to this house as a prisoner.
            Hours passed but she was determined to pull herself together; she made her way back into the bedroom and crawled onto a chair. The chair was so soft and warm, and yet the room was cold and full of horrific memories.
            She closed her eyes and tried to meditate on something else, something away from this horror. She began to think back at a time not too long ago….
            She was sitting in a soft chair in a wine bar, playing her music for a lovely man that sat and stared at her as if he were mesmerized by her singing. She was singing with passion and with her heart and soul as he watched and listened...
            Reality came back as she looked down at her IV and knew what she had to do; the next step towards her survival… remove the IV from her arm. Alison began to meticulously remove the tape off of her IV; it was agony. Her body was so weak and full of bruises from the beatings and the months of lying in a bed; everything ached, everything hurt.          
            She wiped away the perspiration from her forehead and continued to work diligently; removing one piece of tape at a time. She finally made her way to the IV needle. She stared at her arm; it was battered and bruised from so many IV changes. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she pulled it out of her vein. Alison screamed in agony, fell back, and passed out…
             A few minutes later she awoke with more strength and conviction; she was determined to survive...